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A Little Back Story

I don’t think anyone really knows where they’ll end up. I know never dreamed I’d be married for 20+ years, own a business, work a job that I LOVE, and live somewhere called Southern Maryland. Funny how things fall into place.

My career has always been in sales, but alcohol was not an industry I really desired to be in. It was my husband’s passion. Years after we finally decided to “take the plunge” and start our own store, it was his to grow. I continued working in the corporate world until, unexpectedly, I found myself out of work.

In my spare time, I started popping into the store to help. Months later, my husband astutely asked why I just didn’t run the store with him, as I was clearly enjoying what I was doing. So I did!

I quickly realized I had a lot to learn about our products, and as the vendors came in each week I’d ask them to train me. After six years of researching industry magazines, watching countless vlogs, and completing the Wine and Spirits Education Trust Level 2 Certification, I’m still bugging my vendors when they come in.

My thirst for knowledge hasn’t abated and I can’t wait to share everything I know with YOU!

I’ll introduce you to some items you may not have thought to try, and help you think outside of the box when it comes to libations. I hope this inspires you to share your newfound knowledge, because after all, cocktails are meant to be shared with friends.



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Kim Sprague
Kim Sprague
Jan 20, 2023

Hello! Where is your contact information ? What are your hours? Thank you!

Kim Sprague
Kim Sprague
Jan 20, 2023
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Got the phone number and hours searching off your website!

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